Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quilters Dream Angel- Flame Retardant Batting

Quilters Dream Angel


The first quilt batting made 100% from Flame Retardant Fibers.

We have had quite a few calls and emails lately inquiring about the unique feature of our Quilters Dream Angel batting. It may sound as if this wonderful product is made from feathers and clouds but that might make a mess of a quilt!
Although the process of creating Dream Angel is our trade secret, we are excited to give you a little more inside knowledge!

What is it made of?

Dream Angel fibers are neither cotton nor polyester - they are specially engineered fibers created to be flame retardant. These man-made fibers contain no PBDE's, bromides or chemical additives. You cannot rub or wash off the flame retardant quality due to the fibers being inherently flame retardant. We have spent years of research in developing this proprietary product. We did not take any 'shortcuts' on this batting and use ONLY Flame Retardant Fibers.

Gidget (office mascot) showing off the Dream Angel

What makes it flame retardant?

Dream Angel is self-extinguishing. This means it draws oxygen away helping to extinguish a flame. When in contact with flame the batting will not melt or assist to 'kindle' or support the flame. The Dream Angel fibers have met international flame retardant standards.

Test results were….?

Dream Angel's test results were exceptional!
During the testing by an independent testing laboratory, the batting was placed between 2 layers of cotton fabric and elevated on to a mesh rack (to promote airflow). The top layer of fabric was caught on fire and the batting formed a barrier preventing the bottom layer of cotton from being damaged at all! Dream Angel passed this difficult test standard: the California Dept. of Consumer Affairs - Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation Draft - Technical Bulletin 604 for Filling Materials Component Test Open-Flame Resistance.

Why would I use this?

The Dream Angel is very soft and breathable and quite easy to handle and use. This lightweight cream colored batting washes and handles similar to the Dream Cotton but has the added feature of being made from Flame Retardant fibers. Safety can never be guaranteed, but we feel that Dream Angel is an excellent choice for children/baby quilts, teen and college quilts, nursing homes, Christmas tree skirts.

Want to see for yourself? Give us a call for a free sample. 888.268.8664

Happy Quilting!

~The Dream Team

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

To Stash or Not to that the question?

By Juanita K Bard   
(With apologies to Shakespeare's HAMLET)

To stash or not to that the question?

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous mis-organization

Or to take arms against a sea of clutter
And by opposing end it? To organize?
To give away? To sew not more?

Nay...To sew I must..perchance a new patchwork
Or try a new paper piece pattern
For who can bear the whips and scorns of
The ever present 1/2 price sale ads
That makes a calamity of our credit cards..

To file or not to file my patterns
To group by pastels and darks
And by organization to say we end
The heartache of rummaging around
For just that right piece of fabric

That our sewing is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish' organize,
To conceal in boxes...and boxes galore
In plastic containers that overflow on the floor
To organize, perchance to achieve it....ay, there's the rub;

For in that great organization of fabric what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal unorganization
Must give us pause there's the respect
That makes calamity of so organized a sewing room;
For who can bear to whittle down her Stash...

The pangs of that separation of fabric
To grunt and sweat under the strain
Of not seeing forever the beloved Stash...
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd boxes...from who boundary

No traveler returns, puzzles the will
And make us rather think we have
To give to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make swappers of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution

Gives way to the pale thought and enterprises
Of that great moment with this regard
To our current Stash...Organize...give away!!!!
And lose the name of clutter... Soft you now!
Oh, fair quilters... in they orisons
Be all my Stash remember'd.....

 Quilter: Cindy Richard