Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mending hearts as a fabric artist

Today in our local newspaper I came across an article about my friend and Quilters Dream customer Jerry Callender . It is a very nice write up which recognizes his talents, creativity and more importantly, compassion. Jerry's skills of repurposing memorabilia has brought numerous smiles to those who are sick or have lost a loved one. I thought I would share it with you but first, how about I let you in on how I know Jerry personally.

I met Jerry Callender about 15 years ago long before I knew what the quilting world was all about. At the time, I worked at a florist shop and he worked at a kitchen store- we were neighbors in the same shopping center. Being the avid gardener I am, Jerry and I soon became quick friends as I found out he was one as well. We would usually gush about our gardens and trade tips and techniques. I remember being in awe of his many creative ideas. He was always coming up with a new project of some sort and I would always say, “Now why didn’t I think of that!!” Eventually we lost touch and not because his ideas were maybe a little bit better than mine. Hahah.  

 I had been working with Quilters Dream Batting for quite some time when one day Jerry walked in! I was very surprised to see him and curious what he was into these days. Well…some things never change because Jerry is the jack of all trades! I hope you enjoy reading the article.
or visit his website: Jerrys Fabric Arts


Monday, September 23, 2013

"Remarkable Craftsmanship"

The words jumped off the email and made us smile.  The note was from Chris Clouse of Tiffin, Ohio. 
"I WON your quilt from the South/Central Ohio ALS Association through which our daughter attends support group meetings."
Wind Rose Quilt Guild

"The beauty and craftsmanship is remarkable and the colors perfectly match our newly painted bedroom.  It has a special warmth that only a PAL (person with ALS) would understand.  I feel so fortunate to have received it and wanted to let you know how much your generosity is appreciated."

The quilt was from a member of the Wind Rose Quilt Guild in New York.  We are not sure which quilt she received, but the quilt pictured above is one of the 32 quilts the guild sent in to Hopes & Dreams.  The South/Central Ohio ALS Association Chapter helps all their PALS believe they are winners when they gift them with a quilt.

As does the  ALS Association DC/MD/VA Chapter.

ALS Association DC/MD/VA Chapter Care Services Coordinator Jennifer Mundy (kneeling)
with PAL Anna and her Hopes & Dreams quilt.

Jennifer Mundy, Care Services Coordinator of the DC/MD/VA Chapter, wanted to share several pictures of PALS with their Hopes & Dreams quilts. 

Barbara and Kirby of Southwestern, Virginia

"Words really can't express how meaningful your work is or what an honor it is for me to be able to distribute the quilts on your behalf," writes Jennifer.  "I get to see first hand the joy, love, and comfort each one brings to the PALS receiving them."
Linda and her Hopes & Dreams Quilt.
"Your act of compassion means so much and I, along with the PALS that I serve thank you for your work!" adds Jennifer.

Each quilt brings joy and comfort.  This was expressed so clearly in a recent note from Joan Deye of Maryland -

"I would like to tell you about one of the many quilts your group has sent to the ALS Association. I facilitate the caregiver support group in Montgomery County, Maryland. A young woman attends regularly, who is the daughter of a PALS (person with ALS). Her mother lives in St. Louis, so she tries to visit every three weeks. Needless to say this has been very hard on them both, given the fact that she has no siblings. Those of us in this group feel like we know her mother because of what we hear and she seems like a wonderful, loving mother. Because I started to feel so deeply about this person, that I had not met, I asked her daughter to take one of the (Hopes & Dreams) quilts to her. This lady just loved it and had it over her all day in her wheel chair.

Several months ago St. Louis was struck with those bad tornadoes. Mrs. L could not get to the basement for safety so she and her husband huddled in the bathroom. They no sooner got in there when she asked her husband to go back out and get her quilt. She told him she knew she would be safe with that covering her.

I think this just shows the far reaching impact your project has. It is like wrapping your arms around someone. Thanks for what you and your group are doing and continue to know that your work is not forgotten."

As we begin the 5th Annual Hopes & Dreams Quilt Challenge for ALS may these words bring a smile to your heart knowing you are making a big difference - one quilt at a time.

Hopes & Dreams Coordinator

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quilt Guilds and Quilting Bees

One of the best things about quilting is the quilting guild.  I remember my mother joining together with a group of about a dozen ladies from her church, laughing, praying, and quilting in what, at that time, was called her Quilting Bee.  Sometimes they would meet at the church but often it was held at someone’s house – food was pot luck and the hostess would provide wine, “pop” (I was raised in the North), or other brews, and I would sometimes be present to witness this wonderful group of ladies who quilted love, fun, and laughter into every quilt they made.

The bees in this vintage ad look
like they are having a good ole time! The quilt
reminds me of CandyLand!

At church this past weekend, we had a “ministry fair” where people tried to recruit workers for their particular project.  I work with the senior high youth group so I made up flyers and posters about the youth and the fun events coming up.  As I walked around the ministry fair, I found a signup sheet that said, “Come quilt with us this Saturday to finish a quilt and pray for Rebecca who will be graduating this year.”  I froze, shocked, and tears came to my eyes – Rebecca is my daughter!  While I will be camping out this weekend with Rebecca and other youth from my church, a group of wonderful women will be quilting love and prayers into a quilt made special for her. 

Here at Quilters Dream Batting, we know how important quilt guilds are to the life of quilting.  It is a place of bonding and fellowship, where much more than the love of quilting is shared.  We want to support all quilt guilds, from the hundred member well organized groups to the small gathering of ladies who get together once in a while for fun.
In return, we receive many thank you notes from quilters who are so grateful and appreciative! We love the modern quilt guilds with their eclectic “out of the block” styles and we adore the traditional guilds as well as the informal bees!  We love that ladies (and more gentlemen it would seem) are getting together and keeping this artwork thriving for the next generations to enjoy.


Do you have a special guild or bee that you belong to?  Please let us know about your guild, and we will be thrilled to send free “door prizes” and samples for your next meeting!  Share with us what your guild has been working on and what makes your group special – we would love to hear your stories, and we may even feature your group on our blog!
Email QuiltersDreamBatting@juno.comwith your name/guild, phone number, shipping address, date needed by and active member count for your box of goodies (let us know when your next couple meetings so we send them in time!)
Happy Quilting,



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"My Quilt Dreams are..." **Batting Contest**

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We want to hear from you!! The responses have been great so far. Don't miss out on your chance to win FREE batting! Click on our FACEBOOK page and leave a comment with your quilting dream to be entered in the drawing.
Happy Dreaming and Quilting