The Ultimate Game
Changer for Quilters:
Quilt Caddy Batting Rack
truly is nothing else like it – our Quilt Caddy is designed for long arm
quilters, engineered for them, and customized uniquely with long arm quilters
in mind!
Quilt Caddy is a space saving solution.
Whether you are a beginner or expert, the Quilt Caddy will help keep
your batting organized and easily accessible.

Features & Benefits
Quilt Caddy will ultimately help you quilt more efficiently.
out of steel, the Quilt Caddy comes with (3) adjustable product rods, an
adjustable shelf for cutting with a built-in tape measure, storage for rotary
cutting utensils, and much more!
Quilt Caddy also comes with heavy duty locking casters for ease of
movement and added stability. It’s
built to last!
we Support the Hopes & Dreams Quilt Challenge
bigger than the Quilt Caddy Batting Rack. We have all felt the challenges and heartache
of a loved one who’s fallen ill, but we know that it’s our duty to stay
positive and support them however we can.
We are simply trying to do our part to support the effort to cure ALS,
every stitch of the way.
the participants who all make the Hopes & Dreams Quilt Challenge
such an impactful fundraiser, and we are proud to be part of it.
Learn More about the Quilt Caddy Batting Rack
or to make a purchase, visit:
sure to like us on Instagram @quiltcaddy and share your quilting stories
with us!
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