One of my favorite designers is
Elizabeth Hartman over at
Oh, Fransson! I have both of her books and really love her style (she's also a Janome girl!) So I was checking out her blog a few weeks ago, eagerly awaiting the release of her next book,
Patchwork City. I noticed a post about the Aviatrix Medallion Quilt. I loved it. Clean, modern, angular lines and it looked like a great skill builder quilt. Then she announced a
quilt-along (QAL) for this
pattern. I had to participate.
I will be posting every Wednesday my progress with the QAL. Finishing with my choice of batting as well as posting the finished project.
The fabric selection process was a bit difficult for me. I have trouble committing to a pallet, and I always end up second guessing my color choices. Thankfully, I work with some
very talented, crafty ladies. Their input was invaluable. I followed Elizabeth's suggestion and headed over to
Design Seeds for some inspiration.
The bulk of my fabric selection was purchased at
Hawthorne Threads with a few additions from
Pink Castle.
To be honest, my piecing skills are not the best. I'm constantly looking for projects that will test my skills and ultimately make me a better quilter. Elizabeth wasn't kidding when she said the middle block is the most challenging!
The middle diamonds were not impossible; I just lowered the speed on my machine, went slow and used the fabric guide that came with my Janome 7700. I had no idea my Janome came with a fabric guide until I saw Elizabeth's.
The part that gave me the most trouble was adding the grey background pieces. Everything sewed on nicely, but when I tried to square up the diamonds to the grey background, it became apparent that my diamonds were a bit wonky. And you know how things go from there. With each additional piece added, my wonky block became flat out wacky!
The end result is a 14 1/2" wavy block with points that mostly match up and are held together on a thread and a prayer. :) If I'm up to it this weekend, I'll give it another go and make a second medallion.
Wavy Block. |
Completed block. |
Most of the points match.
SEAMS....don't judge me too harshly :)
Have you participated in a Quilt-along? Who was the designer? Any quilting tips so my blocks don't end up so wonky? If so, tell me in the comments. |
If anyone is interested in trying the center medallion block, Elizabeth posted a larger 24" version on her blog. Head over to Oh, Fransson! and check it out.